Wild Rivers Trout Unlimited Chapter Logo

Wild Rivers TU Chapter is a non-profit organization, and we cover a seven-county area in northwestern Wisconsin: Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, Iron, Burnett, Washburn, and Sawyer Counties. We are the stewards for 2,126 miles of Class I, II & III trout streams across Northwest Wisconsin, including the Upper Namekagon River, Bois Brule River, Clam River, White River and many other creeks and streams. We also support the Lake Superior south shore tributaries for steelhead, salmon, lake run brown trout and coaster brook trout. 

Our core mission is to help conserve, protect, and restore our cold water watersheds in northwest Wisconsin. It is not just about trout, although they matter greatly. Wild Rivers Trout Unlimited Chapter members work hard to implement conservation stream habitat projects to restore and protect our precious cold water streams and rivers. We also work to help protect and preserve our wild native brook trout so they can thrive into the future.

WRTU Chapter Expo 2025
WRTU Chapter Auction

Wild Rivers TU Chapter has been awarded an Embrace A Stream grant for Mosquito Brook in Sawyer County. Learn more…

Wild Rivers TU Chapter has Adopted the White River State Fishery Area in Bayfield County and the Clam River State Fishery Area in Burnett County. Learn more