If you enjoy our natural coldwater resources and want to see them protected and preserved for generations to follow. Please consider becoming of the Wild Rivers Trout Unlimited, Chapter #415. Even if you cannot physically participate in our watershed projects, your donations and voice go a long way in helping us protect, preserve, and restore our local coldwater streams and rivers.

Even though “trout” is in our name, we are much more than that. We educate children and adults to understand the importance of protecting and preserving our Wild Rivers in northwest Wisconsin for all to enjoy. For K12 schools we also do “trout in a classroom“, which allows the children to raise trout from eggs and then release them in a local stream.
We also have programs for designed to outreach to veterans and first responders through fly fishing outings and education.
WRTU chapter members volunteer to help the WDNR and National Forest Service with stream projects across our seven northwest Wisconsin counties, both physically and with chapter monies. At times we also are asked to help with land acquisitions which add to our Wisconsin public lands.
We participate in many in-stream restoration projects, monitoring stream health, as well as tree planting along streams to protect the banks from erosion.

Trout Unlimited, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
How to Join
Select WRTU Chapter, name and number, 415.